Multi-color Sapphire Bouquet Pendant


Seven shaped sapphires in a multi-colored palette and set in 18ky gold – a lovely bouquet of stones that will go with everything!  Completely customizable in the colors and shapes you love, this pendant is pictured on both a Parisian Wheat Chain and a Paperclip Chain. Chains are sold separately.

This piece is part of the Gorges Gems Collection designed by Micky Roof.


Seven fancy-shaped sapphires create this multicolor palette of sparkle! And they’re all set in 18ky gold – a lovely bouquet of sapphires that will go with everything!  Completely customizable in the colors and shapes you love, this pendant is pictured on both a Parisian Wheat Chain and a Paperclip Chain. Chains are sold separately.

This piece is part of the Gorges Gems Collection designed by Micky Roof.

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